Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Clay under my fingernails

It is only when my hands touch clay that my mind is quiet. The voices of the day, the week, the year, those that seem to never stop echoing down from a distant past, go still. They all recede to a level I cannot hear and with permanent hearing damage, that is not so far as I would like. And in that absence of verbal assault, I can think, I can rest, I can become one with an earthen material of ancient origin. It is not unlike sleep, but in the studio, I get to experience life without the need for dreams. I become the dream, the soft rise of inspiration from the unconscious layers of my mind, embedded with the spirit. I have no dealines, no emails, no demands of time or appointments. Life is rich and full in a timeless state of connection with the matertial and the divine.


rev rock said...

so good to hear from you Bill. I left a little message for you under your last comment on my blog. Less than two months till little Moses enters our world. He has no idea the prayer behind bringing him into this family. I still look at the boat you made for us and I am reminded of you and your family and I thank God for you all. Hope all is well. Tell everyone I say hello

bill catling said...

What a blessing Moses is and will be to you. Its hard to beleive my big boys were once so little. Jeremiah will be a junior next year at APU and Eli will be a sophomore at Poly. Wish we were closer to get together. Blessings.